Institutional Investors

Our Approach

You made a promise to your constituents — we can help you keep it.

We believe owning companies that create positive economic value (i.e., Return on Invested Capital > Weighted Average Cost of Capital) is a primary driver in earning excess returns over a market cycle. It is perhaps the best means of helping clients meet their actuarial rates of return in a risk-controlled manner.

We focus on

  • Companies that have characteristics that may lead to the potential to generate excess return.
  • Owning companies that sustainably generate economic value whose underlying values are not fully appreciated by the investment community.

The Quality Advantage - Economic Value Added

We demonstrate that quality works and how it works – this is our competitive difference. We believe the most important measure of quality is the Economic Value Added (EVA)* that companies create. EVA is the difference between operating profits and charges to the capital required to create profits – a measure of profitability.

We have found that positive EVA margin companies outperform negative EVA margin companies across both short-term and long-term time periods. We include this metric in our proprietary investment process to help us identify and invest in those companies that have the potential to create value for investors.

*ISS EVA Investor Express

Learn More About Our Approach

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